ALN Academy Podcast
ALN Academy Podcast
A conversation on renewable energy, green energy and energy efficiency in Africa
The ALN Academy Talks aims to promote conversations on rule of law, governance and sustainability for the development of Africa. In this episode, we partnered with the French Chamber of Commerce in Kenya and focused on renewable energy and particularly on the support that the French government is providing to Africa to promote green energy and energy efficiency, the role that French financiers and developers play in the development of the renewable energy sector in Africa and on the lessons that are to be learnt by African governments and policymakers based on the policies and strategies that have been developed by a number of European countries to promote renewable energy.
As platforms to trade carbon or REDD credits continue to grow and develop in the West, what opportunities does Africa have to participate in and earn revenues from these activities? Carbon or REDD credits are a promising source of funding for renewable energy projects (and other green projects). With the ongoing and projected increase of the price of the credits and a stronger/easier certification process, the financing potential can increase. The recent and ongoing debate about the renegotiations of the Power Purchasing Agreement has shown that just adding renewable energy generation to the grid is not enough for a sustainable energy transition. The situation of the electricity system is very different in Europe compared to African countries. The main difference would be the existence of a Power market in Europe.
The French Group for Renewable Energies and Sustainable Cities in May 2016 in Nairobi by the French Minister of Environment and Energy has almost 200 members, private companies, and public agencies coordinated by the French Embassy in Nairobi.
France has been a historic partner in supporting countries across Africa in Renewable Energy. The French development agency, AFD has notably supported Kenya to build a more sustainable energy sector. With over 1 billion EUR of completed and ongoing financings.
Interviewee: Mathieu Ecoiffier, Regional Counsellor for Sustainable Development East Africa and Indian Ocean, from the French Treasury and Lead of the Club EnR Ville Durable
Interviewers: Amyn Musa, Partner at ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna and Head of the Projects and Infrastructure Department of the firm,
Angelica Gutierrez Galvis, Head of the ALN Academy